New batch is here! Gonna be a few days of cleaning them up, making some new sashimono and priming.
I've made a naginata for my Ashigaru gashira, and a nagimaki for my new samurai. The blades are hammered brass, and the guards were made by cutting disks off a rod of cured greenstuff. I haven't glued in the crest on the new samurai yet. It feels just a bit overpowering. My original intent was to paint it to look like peacock feathers; the darker colors would help weaken the size- I could also just cut a few millimeters off the base of the crest. (And the crest was made by hammering on a brass rod.)
Wonderful project you having going and I'm looking forward to seeing this new batch.
Thanks, Chris! I hope to get to these soon; I probably won't get started painting them until Monday- but they ARE primed and ready to go!