Monday, May 31, 2010

54mm Waiteri tribe: Archer

Here's an in-progress shot of my archer. The bow was hammered out on the anvil and wrapped with twine. The wrapping served two purposes here: Simple aesthetics and to create a better fit into the hand holding the bow. I still need to add feathers to the arrows in the quiver, and give her some flowing hair.

The short flowing cape on her was an afterthought. I had some leftover greenstuff from last night's work, so I made another animal hide, bunched it up a little and let it cure. I dry-placed it on her and thought it looked nice, so I glued it on.

I think this will be the m.o. for the rest of the tribe. I'll make a small cache of skins and hides and apply them as I go along. Since furs are a little heavier, and I want to control the direction a little more, I'll still apply those direct to the figures. Hair, loin cloths, equipment and leggings will also be applied direct to the figures.

I'm also happy that I've managed to keep these figures balanced. After applying all that greenstuff, the figures in the photo here are free-standing. I must be doing something right.

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