Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First 54mm prehistoric hunter (Day 3)

I actually did this before I went to Kansas City. And really, I didn't do too much extra here, just attached the right arm. It shows enough that I'll have to add a thumb. I'm still not sure what to do with the other arm; I think I'll have it either simply resting at his side, or carrying an item of some sort ... maybe a spear bundle? water pouch? kindling?
I've also added some buckskin details to the top of the leggings as well as to the loin cloth.

(Sorry about the poor lighting. I'll get better pics when he is finished. And I'll try to get proper photos before I prime him.)

In other news, I'm off to Tabletop Games tomorrow. I don't plan on spending too much, but I have a couple things in mind -- boardgame (Tuvala), some Confrontation minis (they had some of the old metal blisters last time I was there) -- but I'm saving most of my spending money for some of those Bronze Age 54s. David also informs me he is working on more; that is a BIG selling point for me: I know I'll be able to expand my tribe. Well, maybe I should START my tribe.

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