Sunday, June 6, 2010

A nice sculpting blog I've found

In my search for some good sculpting tutorials, I came across this blog, Gary's Miniature Sculpting. He shows in-depth, stage-by-stage (post-by-post) images and text for his project(s).

The post that pulled me in for good was on how he did the bottom half of a long coat on a human figure: He used a method similar to mine for making capes with a jig, and one-upped it by essentially making a temporary, soft jig fixed directly to the figure -- brilliant. Anyway, you'll have to see it for yourself. Gary makes it look easy. Here's a link just to the picture of his method. I still like the freeform aspect of my cape-making technique, but Gary's gives you excellent control.

On a similar note, I wish someone would put together a good book on sculpting, even something basic would be fine. There is a French magazine called Ravage which had a special issue dedicated to sculpting last year, but it's difficult to find a copy (at least a copy without exorbitant overseas shipping.) Until then, I will sing the praises of the blogosphere for carving out spots on the net for the likes of Gary the sculptor and others.

Can anyone recommend some good sculpting blogs?


  1. This guy does some fine Green Stuff sculpting and is learning as he goes;
    Corbania Prime

    And if you go here;

    Going Green

    You'll find he's rounded up a whole load of stuff you'll be interested in.

  2. Excellent- thank you for the info!
