Friday, August 27, 2010

Small end-of-august update

I'm painting, slowly but surely. Chronoscope figures now. I have a few minor things on the way. I have War Rocket ships -- woo-hoo! A couple 15mm sci-fi figures to try my rookie small-scale brush on. And, yes, sigh, the mammoth sits there, headless, feetless; I still need to get Sculpey- just a matter of dragging my lazy butt to Hobby Lobby. I think once I get those feet done, I'll get motivated to press on and finish that bad boy.

I don't remember what order I said I'd do everything in: Let's say Chronoscope figures, War Rocket ships (I only have a few, and they look like they'll go real fast... painting-wise) 15mm post-apocalyptic minis, and mammoth during all that time. I'm sure I've missed something. After another look at that Conan figure, my little Conan project has been simmering in the back of my mind. I can't believe I finished that figure at the beginning of this month; it seems so long ago that I finished him (even though my August just flew by).

OK, must focus: Three Chronoscope figures left to do. Chronoscope. Chronoscope. War Rocket ships look sweet, though -- NO -- CHRONOSCOPE. Chronoscope....

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