Monday, August 16, 2010

Waiteri Tribe 2050: Sniper

My friends were given a motel room, but I'm babysitting the cat still. The cat stays off my painting table for the most part, so I threw some paint onto a couple figures so I can get back into the habit. (And, yes, the mammoth is still sitting there, I've massaged the sculpt here and there, but nothing major. Next step is to add his feet and put him in the oven for his first baking.)

This is the first of my Reaper Chronoscope figures. She is No. 50156 Gretha, Female sniper. Just a reminder: I painted her up to use for the deathmatch variant of Fantasy Flight's Doom boardgame.

My intent from the beginning with this figure was to paint Waiteri tribal war paint on her to show that the tribe has survived. And, if you remember, warpaint in the tribe denotes a hunter (among other symbolic meanings.) In this case, she hunts other warriors on Martian bases.

I will paint the bases the basic colors of the ROYGBIV spectrum to help players differentiate figures (as if the figures aren't distinctive enough.) I have three marine-looking Chronoscope figures; they will receive the red, blue and green as per the original marine colors in the Doom boardgame. The other figures will receive indigo, yellow and violet (this figure). I guess orange is out ... Oh, I can use orange for the figure noted below:

To go along with these figures, I have also ordered a couple of the limited edition Hurn "not-predator" figures from Heresy. I'm trying to think of a way to balance a game with the predator versus everyone else in a Doom deathmatch. I'll need to get a few games under my belt first. In the meantime, I'll have sweet-ass predator figures to paint.

1 comment:

  1. awesome job as usual! i dig the 'tattoo' on her legs - great detail
