Sunday, October 17, 2010

Believe me- I'm working on stuff!

Posts have slowed down a lot here- but I AM working on stuff (mostly assembly and priming). I still have a few Warmachine things to paint, as well as a few more Reaper figures. I'm going to try to start painting the Warmachine stuff Sunday evening.

I'm glad I didn't get into Warmachine- that's a crap-ton of heavy assembly there!

I've also been salivating at the new Imperial, retro awesomeness over at Hydra Miniatures. Go take a look at the new Imperial Class 3 and 4 prototypes.

Anyway, just wanted to say I hadn't forgotten you all.

Egregore from the Witches of Gharlghast Cryx box set. (Warmachine) (And, yes, a tiny bit of photoshoping here.)

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