Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reaper No. 02568: D'Khul, Bathalian (And Gamma World introduces me to puberty)

Here's another one of Jeff's figures. I had to reprime some of Rob's Warmachine minis, so while they were drying, I finished up this Bathalian figure. He was pretty easy. The trim and ornamentation was simply drybrushed with a couple shades of blue (Foundry Storm blue 21c and Sky Blue 39c). The yellows are all Foundry Ochre 4A-C, straight out of the pot with no intermediary mixes.

Yep, this figure was pretty straightforward. Rob's Warmachine are next (and I actually have already added a couple colors here and there; Re-priming is finished.) After Rob's stuff, I have some Gamma World minis to paint -- They came today! Great looking figures, but only a few are actually true 25mm. The rest are in a variety of sizes from 25mm to 35mm! I like this variety because, in the future when I add more figures, it will be easy to cull from different manufacturers without worrying if anything is going to match.

There was a little bit of lead rot on a couple of the minis, not enough to have eaten too much away, though. I filed away as much as I could, then washed the figures in some Simple Green. That seems to have dealt with the rot I could find. Hopefully, the priming and painting will slow or stop anything I couldn't see. But most of the figures were in excellent condition, especially for being from 1983, the year I started playing Gamma World (or was that 1982?)

Interesting story about my first Gamma World session; it wasn't so much the session, but who was playing. I was 9-years-old at the time (ah- 1983), and I had a 16-year-old (hot) baby sitter named Jackie. Jackie's 18-year-old sister (I forget her name) had just purchased a copy of Gamma World apparently (I was unawares at the time.) I had never heard of any kind of game beyond Monopoly or Stratego (not even Risk!)

SO, hot Jackie, one day, asks me, "Hey, you want to come over tonight? My sister and I want you to come over and try out a new game with us. It's called a (she said it slowly) 'roleplaying' game."

"A whaaaa?"

The only other thing I remember about playing Gamma World in those days was that I was a big cat man. And that was the last time I played any nerdly games with beautiful women.

Thank you, Gamma World, for introducing me to puberty and all the mutations I would suffer as a result.

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