Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gamma World: Nyarlathotep, Gamma World big game hunter

Copplestone Big Game Hunter, converted
Here's another conversion I made for Gamma World. The figure is another big game hunter from Copplestone Castings (um, I might purchase more for this kind of thing.) Nyarlathotep is one of the elder gods from the Cthulhu mythos. I figured he would be an easy conversion, and perhaps an interesting character to wander Gamma World.

I used a razor saw to take the head off (and I've already used the extra head in another conversion :) Then I used greenstuff and made a tentacle which would be used for the new head. While the greenstuff  tentacle was curing, I sawed off the barrel of the hunter's shotgun and replaced it with the top bit off of a Frankenstein Laboratory piece (I forget the company or year) to create a nice inter-dimensional matter transfer gun (or whatever name you want to give it; I just wanted something science fictiony.) I also used some leftover greenstuff to make the weapon arm a tentacle.
Lastly, I gave Nyarlathotep a backback and bedroll (again, made entirely from greenstuff.). Sure, he's a god, but he still needs to fit in a little bit. And yes, he has a giant tentacle for a head, but it IS Gamma World.
When the large tentacle cured, I sliced the base flat and pinned and glued it to the body. Conversion done!

Painting was basic. The hardest part was getting the head to fade from red to black. It just took a few glazes and a little bit if rough blending.

Flock, photograph and done. Nyarlathotep, Gamma World big game hunter. This was certainly another fun conversion. The third conversion I'm working on also is turning out fun. It's not as spectacular a figure, but it's a very appropriate figure for the Gamma World universe. I'll be tromping through more of Copplestone's stuff seeing what other possibilities there are. Why Copplestone? He sculpts with "broad strokes." His figures have well-defined lines and broad planes, making for figures that are easier to convert, in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice conversion!!! Fully deserving of three exclamation marks.
