Friday, December 31, 2010

Ghostbusters: Mummy

Mummies are good and easy to paint. I usually just go for a straight 3-layer technique. With this one, I tried a little bit of light-and-shade combination, Foundry colors storm blue for the shaded half of the mummy and scarlett for the lighted half. A quick overbrushing of arctic grey over the storm blue and canvas highlight over the scarlett, a quick painted base, and I called it done. It took all of 10 minutes of drybrushing to put out a nice little mummy.

I also liked this sculpt, a little different take on the usual fair, this one with his entire body covered in wrappings. I got this one from a "classic" pack of Reaper figures: No. 3523 Classic Mummies.

Next up, maybe, are some zombies. These will be my first zombies, so I need to do just a bit of research, mostly to decide what kind of skin tones I'll go with (pallid? gray? still warm?) For a preview, I'll be painting these Reaper zombies: No. 3471 Zombies.

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