Saturday, March 19, 2011

Street Corner: Gangsters

Holy smokes, that was a long week at work (well, long days, anyway.) Not only did it suck my time away, but it was difficult to will myself back to the painting table this weekend. But I did manage to "bang" out a few fellas here.

No new painting techniques here. I do find it a little more difficult to paint the trenchcoats, though. I'm use to adding highlights and shades to wrinkles and folds, but I have to be more subtle with the relatively flat surfaces of the large coats. I have a hard time with large uninterrupted surfaces, especially using the English method of painting. To help my transitions between layers to be smoother, I simply use the base shade and highlight from my triad palette and mix the paint a little lighter for each layer (instead of relying in just the three layers.) But these turned out all right; I'm not too worried about doing any more trenchcoats ... hmm, I wonder if I have anymore trenchcoats?


  1. Fatastic work, as usual, and stunning photography.

    You're an example to us all and I must compose a "set" for my own shoots.

    I've got to ask, is that natural light fall off giving you the darkness, a black back cloth, or some photoshop work?

  2. Great minis and great scenery :)

  3. Hey Bugsy, doze boys got it coming.

    Very nicely painted. really good.

  4. Karitas, Yes to all three parts of your question: I keep my lights close to the subjects, so yes, it falls off the subjects quickly. I also use a dark brown drop cloth, and I add just a touch of color correction and contrast with Photoshop (as well as a little bit of sharpening.)
