Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Street Corner: Jimmy (Plus another tramp steamer crewman)

Here's the last figure from my Street Corner project, the last man standing (a fun gangster flick.) I gave him the simple name of Jimmy- no reason- just sounded like a good gangster name. I think this is my favorite color palette of all the other gangsters. It's a base of Foundry Granite layered with Foundry Drab. The fedora is painted straight-up 3-layered with Foundry Spearshaft.

Next up is one more crewman for my tramp river steamer. The original model was holding a baseball bat, which I easily replaced with a bag. I have two bagmen now (and others carrying cargo), so I figure I can use all these men as either crewmen or stevedores (longshoremen.) That gives me an even 10 tramp steamer crew.

Ahhh, it feels good to get all that pulp painted up. I think that was around 30 figures in the past couple months. I'll post some group photos later this week(end.) Now on to some fantasy!


  1. superb stuff again. I love teh green suit guy. Is it copplestone?

  2. Yep, he is Copplestone, too. He is from the Candy Kid's Street Punks set (No. GN3).
