Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tramp steamer crew: Swabby and hook man

Here are a couple more figures for the crew; I should have converted more, these are going so fast.

This figure was a bolshevik sailor rifleman from the Bolshevik sailor command pack (Copplestone's Back of Beyond range.) I cut and filed away his rifle and gave him a hook (made from brass rod) to haul in dock lines (or grab T-shirts from the high racks :)

The second figure is, by far, may favorite. It's when I saw this conversion possibility that I decided it would be worth it to work out more conversions of other Copplestone figures to complete an entire crew. This is the standard bearer from that same sailor command pack. This was also the easiest conversion to make; instead of giving him a flag pole, I gave him a mop handle. There was a tiny bit of arm bending involved to insure the mop and the figure could both fit on a standard 25mm base. A little greenstuff was sculpted into a mop head, and the conversion was complete! I do wish there was a tiny bit of extra space on the base for a bucket, but this will do just fine.

Just a couple figures to go. I have a fellow carrying a small crate, and I have a chef (my second favorite of the crew.) I'm also making a lot of visits to Copplestone Castings website, trying to figure out more conversion ideas.

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