Monday, May 9, 2011

Qwik 54mm: Dirt Dogs ready for painting

Here's my first team, all built and ready for priming, basing and painting. I've decided to name them the Dirt Dogs, an appropriate post-apocalyptic name, methinks. I'm not sure what I'll name the other team yet.

I found a decent piece of jewelry chain for the chain player. The chain for the other chain player will be a little more difficult because I want his chain to be in mid-swing. I think I've hit on a compromise using some braided (twisted) copper wire which would represent metal cables rather than linked chains.

That other chain player is also the last figure I need to finish to complete the other team. I also have an eleventh figure which I will use as an independent/freelance driver. He'll have a small pack on his back and a few extra pieces of clothing/rags as if he's wandering the wasteland looking for a game.

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