Monday, May 9, 2011

Stylish Blog

Ok, ok, I give up and accept a Stylish Blog award. So what were the rules ... oh, ok, 7 things about myself, then nominate 10-15 other blogs... hmm.

Ok, Seven things about me:

1: I'm earn money as a copy editor for the Ames Tribune here in Ames, Iowa, but I also draw the political cartoons for the paper (hence my handle, "Evilcartoonist" on many other forums.
(Even as a copy editor, you may notice a few mistakes here and there on my blog. That's because I don't bring my work home :)

2: I got into miniatures (and gaming) after watching Clash of the Titans back in 1980. Zeus had a room where the walls were covered with shelf (little alcoves, really) upon shelf of small stone figurines. After seeing that, I wanted my own wall of mortals to play with.

3: I was born in Kansas City, but have lived in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Ames, Iowa. Out of all the places I've lived, I prefer little old Ames.

4: I worked a few times at a sawmill. It was my grandpa's sawmill. And I love the smell of sawdust.

5: My great grandmother was the first woman to get a pilot's license on the Missouri River. She piloted a ferry at Brownville, Nebraska. On board that boat, they had a mouse she would feed cheese and whiskey.

6: I like the semicolon; it's my favorite punctuation mark.

7: I have a pretty good tolerance for subfreezing cold; I can walk the block in a T-shirt, jeans, and sandals while it's -20 degrees (Fahrenheit) and not bat an eyelash (at least I've done that a few times to walk the dog.) But I don't do it as a machismo thing; I do it because I'm too damn lazy to put a coat on for being outside only 10 or 15 minutes. If I go on a long walk when it's that cold, though, I'll throw on a long-sleeved shirt, sweater, coat, scarf, hat, boots, heavy pants, long johns and gloves; I may have a good tolerance, but I still prefer comfort over cold :)

Nominate 10-15 other blogs? Honestly, I don't read a lot of other blogs. I don't think I regularly read any one blog. I do a lot of blog surfing to find good tutorials and get a little inspiration when I start a new project. Let me think... I guess there are a couple blogs/sites I look at semi-regularly:

Matakishi's Tea House ( He does a lot of stuff I'm interested in. He also goes about it the same as I do, choosing a project and going all out on it. I LOVE his Tarzan collection. I was looking at Matakishi's stuff before I had my own blog.

Hetairoi Wargames ( Mostly because I enjoy gladiator games, and Hetairoi did everything I wanted to do when I got my first Foundry gladiators many years ago. ( I love the extensive galleries of figures he has displayed. The site hasn't been updated in quite some time, but there's still so much to browse through. I still go back now and again to admire his clean and competent painting style.

I know there are so many other excellent blogs I have looked at, I just can't think of their titles. Honestly, if you want to look at some good blogs, just start with my list of followers. I think just about every single one of them has something to offer. What's great about my followers is that my diverse tastes have gained a diverse following, so you're sure to find something there that interest you, be it Warhammer, historical, scifi, or other uncategorizeable oddity.

1 comment:

  1. I will have to look up that bit about your grandmother. I'm always interested in obscure Nebraska history.
