Friday, August 26, 2011

Qwik 54mm: Freelance driver

Here's another freelance driver for playing Qwik. I gave her an extra-large blade so that she can also take to the Pompeii Portico.

So that leaves one more 54mm Qwik/Apocalator to go -- the flamethrower. After he's done, I was thinking about painting up a couple more pulp figures; I think I may have a couple unfinished figures tucked away in a case somewhere.


  1. Cool stuff! I've been looking into Qwik for a while now, I only found it in 15mm, but I'd rather play it in a larger scale. What minis are you using for your game?

    I'm now going to look back through your posts and probably find the answer to my questions lol.

  2. I get my figures from Bronze Age Miniatures:

    I convert all of them from figures in the "Generic" range. David (at Bronze Age) has generic figures in both 54mm and 32mm.

  3. Really nice.

    Your color choices are so refined - every series you paint has its own voice in the colors.

    Well done.
