Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Old school RoboRally bots

I've been preparing bits for playing RoboDerby Express (including slightly larger boards so that the robots from the actual RoboRally game fit in the squares. So while I was getting stuff together for Express, I decided to dig out my bots from when I first purchased the game way the hell back in 1994- old school first edition, yo!

So here they are in all their glossy, cartoony glory:

As you can see, it was difficult to ascertain the orientation of a few of the bots, especially Spin bot (blue) and "Run" bot (far left.) A later printing (edition?) of RoboRally had new metal robot sculpts with arrows sculpted on the bases. The latest edition of the game retained the arrowed-base theme. 

Right now, I'm painting the plastic bots from the new edition of the game, though, they're not looking the greatest; it just doesn't feel right painting cheap plastic bots. I'd like to get a hold of those 2nd printing bots, just so I can have some metal robots to paint for the game (that, and to have a more complete selection of bots.)

Other info: What's RoboDerby Express? It's a simplified version of RobRally for those people who don't mind moving robots about a board, but who don't like doing it for three hours. It's a free print-and-play that uses dice instead of cards for movement. More information can be found at Boardgame Geek here.


  1. those are awesome. Robo Rally 1st Ed is a fun game.

  2. The picture you show is it of the metal or plastic ones? Nice paint job either way.

  3. These are the metal bots. The only way a bot should be built! The metal is soft though- it may actually be lead, being produced around the same time all the parents started complaining about lead soldiers in the early 90s.

    Since the metal is soft, I'm going to keep these guys for sentiment's sake (being a bit fragile), and use the plastic ones for playing.

  4. I would be VERY interested in seeing your completed plastic ones. Not only to see how they paint up, but to see if I would like to get into this. It looks like on Evil Bay that I can get the 2005 version in plastic.


  5. I'm almost finished with them. I'm not happy with them, but I wasn't enthusiastic about painting them, either. I painted 7 (out of 8 total.) I'll post a pic of them as soon as I can for ya.

  6. Today I learned there were two different sets of original metal robots.

    1. and some day, I'll find myself some 2nd ed metal robots; I've had my 1st ed. bots from the beginning when the game made it's debut (1994?) The boards were much nicer then, too.
