Sunday, February 26, 2012

D&D repaint: Gargantuan Black Dragon

Since this dragon was a large figure, it wasn't too difficult to paint; just a lot of - a LOT - of drybrushing. Then the teeth, horns, claws, talons etc were picked out. I didn't change too much in the way of color choice from the original paint, just a little bit of blue-black highlighting for the wing membranes and some dark fleshiness for the inside of the mouth. Though the colors haven't changed much from the original, they are more muted and blended. The paint also helps to matte down the figure so it looks less like plastic.

It's still not quite finished; I'm going to do a base for it. Probably a lot of grasses, bushes, reeds and water puddles (apparently, the black dragon resides in the swamps.)

A quick note: I primed the figure with black acrylic paint. The acrylic drys with enough flexibility to not crack when the wing membranes flex during handling. I've tried a spray, but the soft plastic makes the primer tacky to the touch. So go acrylic!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, I really like the pose of the dragon, not the standard fare.
