Saturday, February 18, 2012

From whim to dragon

Among the items in Jeff's boxes of old school minis was this dragon, unassembled, but complete. So, on a whim, I threw it together with the extra glue and greenstuff I had sitting after gluing and basing the other minis. Since he was assembled, I went ahead and primed him with the rest of the bunch.

Later (today), I started varnishing all of the past two month's work. I sat at my table looking at what to paint next. I figured I'd throw on a quick drybrush base layer on this dragon. One layer turned into two; two layers turned into three, and suddenly he was finished! Jeff likes dragons, so this one is going back to him tomorrow.


  1. All your work is stellar, but these are incredible. Really nice choices of colors!

  2. Excellent dragon. Any idea of who makes it/made it?

  3. I'm still trying to find out the manufacturer of this dragon.

    Anyone else know off-hand?

  4. Beautiful painting ... i love this Dragon !

  5. I enquired on Frother's about this dragon, and in less than 10 minutes, they identified it and gave me two links to buy it.

    Former Grenadier Copper dragon, mold owned now by Mirlton, can be bought here

    I love the internet sometimes.

  6. Awesome- Thanks for finding that out (and for the link.)
