Monday, March 26, 2012

Fantasy Flight Games Arkham prepaints

My small order of Fantasy Flight Games prepainted Arkham Horror monsters arrived today. The smaller monsters I got (from left, the crawling one and the hound of tindalos) have what you'd expect for a prepainted figure, looking like it was phoned in from the Philippines, but the two larger figures I ordered, the wailing witherer and the Dark Young, aren't half bad!

I've removed the figures from the bases they were glued to (game-specific bases meant for playing Arkham Horror or Mansions of Madness), and replaced them with regular figure bases. The tommy gunner is a Copplestone Castings gangster to give you a sense of the scale of these monsters.

And yes, I do plan on repainting these real soon.

42mm Samurai update:
I have another Steve Barber Samurai on the table. He's not yet available for sale, but you'll get a sneak-peak look at him here at my blog after I've finished painting him.
(The sculpt looks great, Steve!)

For those able to attend Salute in the UK on April 21, Steve Barber is bringing his wares there, so stop by and take a look. The man, like me, works in many scales and many genres, so you're sure to find something you'll like.
Another of my favorites, Heresy Miniatures, will also be at Salute. But, hmm, I don't see Copplestone Castings on the list. Oh well, you all across the pond will have lots of fun anyway, while I'm stuck here in Iowa, USA.

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