Monday, April 23, 2012

Repainted Dinos: Carnotaurus

Here's the last of the dinosaur repaints for the time being. This is the carnotaurus, theorized to be one of the fastest dinosaurs ever (around 30 mph.)

The paint scheme here is actually inspired by one you can sometimes see on cavepaintings (and contemperary facsimiles) of aurochses. After all, the carnotaurus is named for his bull-like horns.

Like the other repainted dinosaurs, this one started out with a black acrylic basecoat, then a few drybrushed coats of brown mixed with successive highlights of orange. Then I started mixing black back in to get the darker areas around the head and behind the pelvis.


  1. Love the work you've done on this one too. The black, bull-like head really sets it off.
