Monday, May 7, 2012

54mm post apoc: Big mutant (FFG repaint)

So here's FFG's God of the Bloody Tongue (Arkham Horror) prepainted mini that I've slightly converted, repainted and rebased to fight the heroes of the Wastelands on the Pompay Portico (using THW's Red Sand, Black Moon rules).

This was an easy figure to paint, especially due to his large size and great sculpting.) The most difficult part was cutting out the large, cartoonish tongue that was sculpted on to the original figure. Even that step wasn't all too difficult (though it did require a power drill.)
And what a lovely, large mutant fighter he will be. That's a 54mm figure next to him in the picture, by the way. And the price was right for such a great sculpt; he was only $9.99 (and I think it was around $15 total with shipping.) I enjoy being able to get monsters and mutants on the cheap.
Next up will be some more apocalators (I'm waiting for David at Bronze Age to get back to me.) In the meantime, I may paint up and post a random item or two.
Septimontium: So I was at the bookstore yesterday looking for some post-apoc inspirational literature, There wasn't a lot (there was none.) So I decided to go ahead and create my own post-apoc world; More or less, I decided I'm going to extend my world of Septimontium which I wrote about a little while ago.
When it comes to RPGs or board games, I enjoy (creating)  the setting as much, if not more, than the actual playing of the game. Septimontium, at most, will be used as a huge backdrop to playing Red Sand Black Moon, providing some context to whatever narrative my imagination might weave around a match.
I bought a new journal (during that same visit to the book store yesterday,) and started my small endeavor by redrawing (and elaborating on) my original Septimontium map. I don't really have any grand plan, I'm just gonna make it up as I go along. In fact, I've already started naming different animals/mutants (seen down the right side of the map) without knowing what they look like (except the Frogs, the main part of this blog post.) I figured a few random words - puddles, horrors, happies - would help get the imagination working.

Art note: For the artists out there who might want to know, this map is simply watercolor and brush and ink (specifically, I used a Pentel pocket brush pen.)


  1. I've always been interested in playing Qwik (and now Red Sand, Black Moon) with rules for the team having to cross the wastes. Now not only do they have to win their matches, they actually have to get there in good shape. Creating a couple of charts to determine their opponents viability would be necessary, otherwise our "heroes" would always be at a disadvantage.

    As always, this is great work. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes!

  2. Great gaming crossover idea -- I had almost forgotten about Qwik! And if you decide to play one or both games, they both use the same basic mechanics, so switching from one to the other is a cinch.

    Hmm, I bet I could also easily incorporate these large mutants into Qwik (much like Blood Bowl can have ogres, treeman and other big, dumb creatures.)

  3. Hah, excellent paint job on that model, but i can almost hear the dropped "l" on those mountains :)

    outstanding :)

  4. THAT will be impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out!

  5. Looking great! I bought RSBM yesterday after reading your report, looking forward to taking it for a spin.
