Sunday, July 15, 2012

Machinas: WIP tanker and Impala

What? More Machinas?
So, I was sitting around this past week trying to decide what project to do next. Well, I really enjoyed doing my little death cars, so I decided I might as well do one or two more while I figure out what to do next. (And there's still a little space in my figure case. It'll just get a little tight.)

I found this little set by Adventure Wheels (a low-tier toy car maker I saw at Walmart), which included a flatbed truck (with its own nice retro look to fit into this project) complete with a car. There were quite few nice duos to choose from, but I settled on the one with the '59 Impala.

I realized I hadn't taken any shots of what the cars looked like after conversion (and before painting), but I remembered this time. The truck has had a tank from an old (1/48 scale?) water wagon model added, as well as some armor. The Impala will be a Variabilis Class car with a heavy caliber gun made using brass rod (barrel), plastic tube (support and muzzle), and bass wood (receiver), and some plastic tubing for the rocket pods behind the cabin.

Not sure when I'll get this done; I have a 60-hour week coming up at work. I'm sure I'll find an hour or two here and there, though, to knock these out.

Edit: I take back the part where I called Adventure Wheels a low-tier company; they have some great stuff in their online catalog. Go to and take a gander if you're looking to do cars of your own.

1 comment:

  1. More Machinas!! yep!
    always very pleasant to watch them!
    (I'd a look at maisto: very nice models!)
