Friday, August 10, 2012

Machinas WIP: Special delivery and Edsel's revenge

Since Two Hour Wargames has a couple rules in the pipeline dealing with battling cars, I decided that was reason enough to get a few more cars (I've already far exceeded the carrying capacity of my figure case devoted to this set.) 

The first here is a 1959 Chevy Delivery van. I gave it an armored cow catcher and triple .50s.
The other car is a 1958 Edsel with twin cannons poking out of the cabin. And I'll be painting the windshield to look like armor, so don't worry, not all of that window glass is supporting those heavy cannon barrels. I'm also going to file/clean away that superglue condensate (the white stuff around the left side barrel) before painting.

And in the mail are a 1956 Mercury, and three very strange but very "Machinas" looking cars. They come from a set called the "Lowboyz." The cars are inspired by the art/designs of Ed Newton (I've never heard of him, either.) One of the cars, known as "Triclopz") is based on a 1948 Tucker Torperdo. I'm going to give is a ram similar to the Chevy shown here, as well as a slab of metal for the back end, which looks slightly too modern for the Machinas world. I've already planned a name for it: Nuntius, which means "Messenger." In the Wasteland, this car will take messages at high speeds across the desert from city to city. No weapons; they would only weight the nuntius down. Only a ram to clear away the rabble, and a metal slab on the back to protect from random gun fire.

I haven't decided what to do with the other two cars yet. I also don't plan on adding weapons to any of them. I figure these cars will be purely Machinas speed racers. They'll all get the Machinas paint job (though, the Nuntius may get a little more color. I haven't made a decision on what color yet.)


  1. Others very impressive cars!
    I've missed many posts: the drawings are really good!
    (the heart: wow!)
    your house and garden seem to be very nice.
    It's a pleasure to see all your works!
    I will be more attentive at my blog-roll!
    Congrats and thanks for sharing.

  2. I long for my lost "Car wars" days, maybe this will get me started. 2HW battling cars rules, might well be worth a look.

  3. Great guns and snow-plow. You do have a way with putty and styrene.
