Thursday, September 13, 2012

A few Reaper figures

This is a small batch of Reaper figures for Jeff. The figure second from left is a Bones figure. I'm still having trouble with the primer drying tacky onto these, but I've read that some folks simply wash the figures first and the primer dries fine. I'll have enough figures to try out when Jeff (AND Charlie) dump their 400+ Bones figures on me (Damn you, Kick Starterrrr!!!!!) 

One thing I love about the Bones figures is the ease in doing conversions. On this particular figure, it took me all of 5 minutes to remove his arm, drill, add a pin and reposition the arm to hold the sword more across his body. I also drilled and added a long pin to one of his legs to give him strength; the plastic is a little bendy. I'm not worried about him breaking at the ankles, I just wanted that movement limited so as not to stress and crack or tear the paint (though the acrylic has a lot of flexibility; I just like to be safe with figures that will get a lot of play on the table.)

Other than these, I haven't painted much in the past couple weeks. I've been watching over the Low Life Miniatures and Dreadball Kick Starters. Along with Jeff and Charlie's Bones figures, I'm going to have minis to paint for the rest of this and next year. My luck, that's going to be when all the cool shit comes out. 

I do have a few more Reaper figures on the way, though- stuff I can paint for me before the Boneswarm. A nice swordsman and a few random things I picked up (mushroom men, hordlings) that will go well with the Low Life stuff.


  1. I love the reaper figures, ordered a few dozen of them just for their look

  2. The vibrant colours on these combined with deep, oily metallics produce a really dramatic style that really makes them stand out as a set. I think they'll look great in play!
