Sunday, September 2, 2012

Why I believe in selling for a fair price

So I was happy to sell my armies today. I think I sold them for a fair price. But I've seen a couple notes and heard from my friends that maybe I should have gone the eBay route (especially considering the two armies I just sold were in heavy demand). Everyone had the same reason for using eBay: I could get a lot more money out of it.

It's like my mom telling me I shouldn't just give away my drawings and paintings and drawings (another hobby I'm heavy into) when I could charge a lot of money for them. I agree that I could make some good money selling some of the stuff I have. But I thought about it, and it's just not who I am.

I'm certainly not going to undersell myself; I'm going to charge the cost of the minis plus a price I feel is fair for the painting time and skill I dedicated to the figures (and I'll charge extra for those items that might hold a little sentimental value). But I'm not going to gouge people (even though on eBay, the gouge amount is what someone out there is probably willing to pay.) I'm an honest man who loves his hobby and wants others to enjoy it without having to spend all their money to do so.

I discussed a similar situation a while back with some friends: I've donated blood every chance I can since the 9/11 attacks. Most of my friends give plasma for a weekly check. They tell me I should give plasma so that I can make money. I told them I prefer to donate - to give to something bigger than myself. They countered with, "Well, the hospital is going to profit from your donation, so you might as well make some money, too."

I agree with them that the hospital is going to profit from my donation. But even though I can profit, I choose not to. Just like a box of fairly priced miniatures, my blood donation is my gift to give.


  1. Totally agree. I've horse traded a couple of WH40K armies this way.

  2. I much prefer to sell my stuff for a reasonable price, even more so when I know it's going to a good home with someone who will enjoy it! Spreading the hobby love!

  3. A truly wonderful paint job ! Would you consider some commission work? I have some 28mm Pulp Fiction like you just sold and some Indian Mutiny figures that need a really nice paint job. My style is similar but not as good as yours and more to the point, the eyes are starting to suffer too much !

    If interested, contact me at

    Thanks, and I hope to hear form you either way :-)


    1. JP- I've done commission work in the past, but won't be taking any new projects this year. I'm lined up to paint the Reaper Bones figures for a couple locals. And those figures begin arriving this month (Eeek!)

      I wonder if there is a technique out there for those with bad vision? Maybe that's something I could work on. I could paint in the mornings while I'm still waking up to simulate the effect, and see what I can come up with ....

    2. Thanks for responding - the Reaper minis will indeed keep you more than busy :-) I wish you well and i will follow your brush magic with interest !

    3. LOL tahnks for responding. it looks like the Reaper figs will keep you busy for a looong time! I'll follow your magic brush with interest!


  4. FFFfffffuuuu what planet do you hail from, strange being?

    /I don't think I could sell anything I've painted at all... I prefer gifting it. But yes, selling at a fair price does make ethical sense. The inflated prices people pay on eBay often represent their less sensible side, after all, that they may later regret in the cooler light of hindsight.

  5. Great post and great perspectives of a great man!

    Your price you can change whenever you like but your value is not something you can change at a whim! God bless you.

  6. Well said. I go along the trading route, swopping or in some cases just giving it away but as you´ve said..a fair price is better than the "auctions" at E-bay.

  7. I don't think there is anything wrong with selling your minis at a set price (or giving them away, or trading them, or giving them to awesome friends who in turn buy you more minis.)

    However, I would be curious, just curious, how much one of your collections WOULD go for on a competitive market, like eBay. A nice set with a case, nicely photographed, with a reference to your blog. It would also have the added benefit of promoting your blog to those who would be interested.

    And if your conscience bothers you, you can always donate all or part of the proceeds to charity (which, by the way, will be the name of our gaming table, "Charity".)

    1. Honestly, I don't think they would go for too much more than what my last batch went for. And with the last batch, I did some niche marketing to forums of people who would go for this kind of thing. I did get a few offers, but even among those specifically looking for these kinds of minis, it didn't sound like any were willing to go much higher than what I had listed.

      I'm not sure if I'm curious what I COULD get. Maybe because I already have a fair idea of what I could make? I dunno.I have a couple more items I'm gathering up for sale - maybe we could throw one up on eBay for your curiosity :)

      By the way, everyone, Jeff is one of my awesome friends who gets some of my minis (and art) in trade for more minis, electronics, friendship and such. Love you, Jeff! (By the way, I have another drawing from Hickory Park for you.)

    2. "Hi Jeff!"

      Honestly, I feel that the big eBay prices go to whatever army/game is "hot" at the moment, I'm sure people paid idiot sums for hastily spray bombed Black Reach box Space Marines and whatnot :P Otherwise, if you have a very personal/interesting army I suspect it's the luck of the draw that multiple bidders will want to buy it at the same time.

  8. I'm at a loss for words. That was truly touching. I share the same mentality. Whether it's giving gifts for the sake of just feeling good that I put a smile on someone's face or charging a FAIR price for my photography skills (I'm a professional photographer by day.) I could easily charge at a much higher rate and wedding clients wouldn't blink an eye but deep down inside I don't feel it's right. Carmen, continue to take pride knowing someone is getting pleasure from using something you created. Keep giving plasma because in your heart you know how it makes you feel.. You have a wonderful moral compass my friend.. The world needs more people like you. All the best to you and yours.

  9. I'm at a loss for words. That was truly touching. I share the same mentality. Whether it's giving gifts for the sake of just feeling good that I put a smile on someone's face or charging a FAIR price for my photography skills (I'm a professional photographer by day.) I could easily charge at a much higher rate and wedding clients wouldn't blink an eye but deep down inside I don't feel it's right. Carmen, continue to take pride knowing someone is getting pleasure from using something you created. Keep giving plasma because in your heart you know how it makes you feel.. You have a wonderful moral compass my friend.. The world needs more people like you. All the best to you and yours.

  10. Sorry for the late reply - just came across this post and have obviously missed it when it first came out.

    I agree with you 100%. Very well said.

    I know that I get a great deal of satisfaction from giving away some of my models if the person I give them to really appreciates them.

