Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mice and Mystics: Collin and Nez

Here are the first two heroes from Mice and Mystics, Collin (in cape) and Nez. Again, the fun factor was high while painting these. There were no difficult details to paint, and the sculptor kept all the elements well-defined and easy to pick out. Nez had some mould lines on his head that I forgot to deal with, but that doesn't bother me much, if at all; these are not contest minis, these are little place keepers for a board game.

Collin was pretty straight forward. Red cape, brown fur (with white underbelly), leather belting. After the cape was finished I washed it with some brown ink.

Originally, the shaft to Nez's hammer was bent, so I cut it out and replaced it with some brass rod. I was worried about converting a mini in a hard-to-find game, but it all worked out. (Being focused on the hammer work is probably why I missed the mould lines. Oh well- no biggie.)

One of the decisions I was thinking about was whether to paint the heroes based on the character cards from the game, or use my own schemes. I decided on the cards, and it's kind of nice, for once, leaving the color choice out of my hands; it's just one less thing to think about.


  1. Nicely done, the mouldline isn't that bad its obviously a scar from a previous battle or something

  2. Waaaaay scarier than the ones in The Nutcracker!

  3. Some mice which give my cat a run-for-its-money. For mice, they are very well adorned.

  4. Looks fantastic. You've done a good job with them, and they look like they were fun to paint.

  5. Hello - wondering if I could pay you to paint my minutures the same way? They look amazing and I have neither the talent, tools or time to do the same?

    1. Sorry, I don't do commissions (very rarely, anyway.)
      But I'd be happy to point you toward some resources or give you some tips.

  6. Why does Collin have a black tail?

    1. ?
      Oh, yes, I had forgotten to paint it by the time I had taken this photo. All is right, now :)
