Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Started Dreadball

I got my shipment of Dread Ball stuff. Everything is cleaned and assembled (took a couple hours for the 40 or so figures I have.)

I drybrushed the whole figure with silver (that was easy and fun,) then I painted in the contrasting yellow along with the accents, followed with some inking to pull some details back out.

This is my first try at my IotaCorp Rockets uniform scheme. It came out a touch rough, but I think I can improve. It was difficult to get a straight line from the apex of the yellow "triangle" down to at least the knees. 

Part of the difficulty is that these are small figures (probably true 25mm if you don't include the base.) Coming down from 54mm isn't too bad of a transition, but I can still "feel" it. Oh well, this was the first; there are plenty more to go. The orcs will be easy enough- I plan on giving them all a healthy dose of rust.


  1. Great color combos. I always enjoy your palette, Carmen- it is so different than mine.

  2. Damn don't start posting pics of these please. Im doing everything to convince myself that i don't need to buy this.

    Looks great mate.

  3. I like the scheme as well. Simple yet striking. Everything you do inspires me, but you are too fast for me! I'm still working on cars for Machinas!

  4. Niiiice colour scheme. The yellow you used is appropriately"hot", presumably to fit with the "Rockets" team name.

    He sort of looks like a "Dreadball space Marine", but not in a bad way ;)

    1. Great insight- the silver symbolizes a rocket's fuselage, and the yellow is, indeed, the "hot" rocket flames.

  5. Very nice color scheme. It seems like the circle in the middle of his chest ought to be either yellow, or a different color... possibly with the player number in it.

    1. In that circle is where the apex of my yellow "triangle" ends, forming the logo of the corporation this team plays for. But no worries- there is a large yellow disk on the back, too, where I'll put the player numbers :)

      (Though, my original plan did have the front circle entirely in yellow.)
