Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Thunder Apple and the Brady Tank

Just a couple more cars I finished for death racing. I have proper Seven Hills (my post-apoc background) names for these cars, but as I was painting them, they earned the pet names Thunder Apple and the Brady (Bunch) Tank.

The Apple's tailgun was made by glomming on some green stuff and shaping it into a covered turret.  The a simple gun barrel was glued into the slot. The ram is plasticard with spikes shaped from green stuff.

The Brady Tank's gun started off as a Flames of War tank piece. I replaced the barrel with brass rod (to add strength.)

I specifically did these for an upcoming publication; that's probably all I can say for now. But in the next few weeks, I'll fill you in on the details.


  1. Nice addition to the Post-Apoc car collection. Seeing your last sets of pictures reminds me I need to go on a hunt for some of that suede like material.

  2. More nice autos from Mayhem Motor Works.
