Monday, May 27, 2013

Ghostbusters! But not mine ...

I'm glad to see someone else has taken my Ghostbuster idea and started his own collection.
I recommend folks go on over to Karl's blog and take a look.
I also like his idea of using papercraft to make his EctoVW.
You can see his stuff here and here.

It's been awhile since I had my own collection out, but it will be out again when the time is right. In the

In the meantime, I'm still kind of doing my 42mm samurai. I'm stripping a couple figures for repainting, and I plan on purchasing a few more which I will (try to) convert at a level one step beyond my abilities, as I put together a buntai to try out the new Ronin skirmish rules.

Of course, I will also use my new (and old) figures to play rules by Two Hour Wargames, which brings up my last note for today ...

All Things Zombie

The All Things Zombie Indiegogo campaign has a couple weeks left and is almost funded, so I hope you all will take a look and toss a little money. I'm not benefiting at all, I just want Two Hour Wargames to succeed; they are my favorite and most-played rule sets (OK, so maybe I will benefit in a way :)


  1. wow! this guy lookings great! it's a return to my childhood and on of my favorite movies. :-) great stuff!

  2. "Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance." - great movies, great miniatures idea, especially if based on these no-nonsense figures.

  3. Sweet! Love the library throw rug!

    1. Oh, that one is my figure- I just put him there to salute Karl's GB figures :)

    2. Thanks for posting links to my pics. I must say if anyone else wants to try these conversions to do so. The instructions that are on this site are perfect.
