Saturday, June 29, 2013

Some more finished samurai

I finished the rest of my samurai, including a couple Reds and a couple ronin. The two kneeling Red ashigaru are a couple of my older figures repainted. I repainted them to help beef up my smallish Red faction, which will oppose Lord Kaage's retinue.

I also have a couple more ronin here, so that I have some more sword-wielding options when deciding on scenarios for games.

I kept them simple, with muted colors -- nothing too bright. I converted these by filing away the kataginu shoulders, and repositioning the swords (by filing cutting away the original sword guard and adding my own facing in the direction of the new blades.)

From here on, I think the plan for this range is to add a couple more ashigaru to the Reds, maybe another ronin/samurai or two, and to start figuring out some civilian conversions (I have two or three ideas already.) For the time being, though, I have enough figures for three buntai for Osprey's Ronin game (and a mess more figures than I'll ever need for some micro-skirmishing using Two Hour Wargames' Red Sand Black Moon rules.)

And just for the hell of it, here's a picture of some of Iga's finest:


  1. Love your Red faction! Do you find it takes longer to paint a 42mm fig from the 28? Any changes to your technique?


    1. It takes about the same amount of time. The 42mm figures have a little more real estate to paint, but the 28s are smaller, so I have to slow down when painting details; so it all balances out.

      But I usually take a little longer with the 42mm figures because at that scale, it's easier to do conversion work (which means I'm more likely to try some kind of conversion.)

      Even scaling up to the 54mm figures, it still takes me around the same amount of time to paint one vs. a 28. Much more surface to paint, but I just use a bigger brush then.

      Somehow, there's always something to balance out the time it takes to paint among the scales.

      I don't change my technique much - I use the Foundry/English layering technique, but instead of three layers, as I do on 28mm figures, I might do four or five on a 42.

  2. I find that the same is true for me. My Wooden Wars soldiers stand between 90 and 100 mm, and take me about the same time to paint as a 28mm of the same detail. I did a post on it a way back.

    Thanks, and keep up the inspiring work.
