Sunday, August 11, 2013

42mm Samurai: All my bushi

Since I don't plan on getting any more armored samurai, I took one more photo of my completed buntai (the Red faction above, and Lord Kaage's retinue below, along with some extra armored samurai.)

All of what's pictured on this page is for sale as a complete set for $400 (U.S. buyers only). Honestly, I'm not sure anyone will want to buy (especially at that price and at such a niche scale, and since Northstar just released some nice minis of their own in 28mm.) But I still have some sentiment attached to these figures, so I won't mind having them sit on the shelf for the time being, looking awesome.

Every figure pictured here (and I mean ALL of them) have had some form of conversion work done to them, and, of course, they're all painted somewhat competently. There are enough here to play some good games of Ronin. (And maybe I'll match Northstar's offer and throw in a ninja or two :)


  1. ah, there are beautiful.

    They must take quite some time to paint, not just the size but the quality too.

    How long does a fig took you?

    1. - oh, and I guess I should answer the question :)
      These take about an hour or two to paint each.

  2. These actually take me about the same time to paint as a 28mm mini. The surfaces are larger, so I can go at them with a broad stroke, and there are details, but not so much that overwhelms the figure -- not like many figures these days, where the sculptor has tried to add as much detail as possible in some cruel game of sculpting one-upmanship.

  3. Some fantastic work here, gorgeous colours.


  4. Honestly, I think you're nuts for wanting to get rid of those armoured samurai. They are seriously beautiful models and paintjobs. I'd buy them myself if I had the cake, but alas.

    1. I still love these, which is a small part of the reason for the higher price. If I sell them, I'll get a good amount of money, but if they don't sell, I won't mind keeping them (I still need to make space though; I may sell other minis.)

      And if someone bought these, I'd use most of the money to commission Steve Barber to do a new sculpt or two. (I'm having him do one right now- an umarmored archer.)
