Friday, September 6, 2013

Workbench update: Plenty going on

I have quite a bit going on the painting table, now. For one, I've stopped painting the pirates, though, I'm happy to have painted the first group, which is still for sale. I still have yet, and will, base them in sand with grass tufts.

Why stop the pirates? Well, I've rediscovered my other "pirates," my Elizabethan Swashbucklers buy Foundry. I think Foundry not only puts out the best pirates on the 28mm market, but also the best (only?) Elizabethan swashbucklers and seadogs. My swashbucklers will NOT be for sale.

So, here's a breakdown of what's on the table:
1: These are some of Jeff's Bones figures I've been working on. There's a lot of prep work with these. I had to boil water so I could straighten out weapons and such. I had to wash all of them. I had to clip off/shave some bases so that the figures would all fit on standard bases, and then I had to glue figures to said bases (the easiest part.) I still have to brush prime at least the figures shown here on the table (Kobolds to the far left, orcs everywhere else.)

2: These are my Elizabethan swashbucklers at various points of disarray. Some are already painted, and I'm leaving alone. Some are already painted and I will be repainting. Some are primed and some are unprimed. Some need to be rebased. And all will be getting new hammered-brass rapiers!
In fact, since this photo was taken, most of the above has taken place. Everything is primed, and the new blades have been installed.
Making 28mm rapier blades is a little more difficult than making 42mm katana blades. The more difficult part is keeping the blades nice and straight. But it was accomplished, and the blades look so much more elegant with these figures. That, and I just love hammering on my little anvil.
Oh- almost all of these are ready to paint; one of them still needs his panache (look over the left shoulder of white shirt/red poofy pants.)

3: Not really work here; these are a few figures I culled from the mountain, cleaned and prepped, so that I have a small supply for Bryon to practice his painting on.

4: These are Bones figures that are ready for painting. They have sitting there for a couple weeks. This small group has a lot of shallow, hard-to-see/hard-to-paint details. So I'm waiting for that right moment when I'm ready to pretend I know what the hell I'm doing.

That's all for now!

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