Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Machinas: Saint Ford's Thunderbird

This week, I'm on vacation. Today I went for a five mile walk, painted a couple landscapes, read the entirety of "Flying Colours" (A Horatio Hornblower book), and painted this '58 Ford Thunderbird for my too-big Machinas collection. (and later tonight, I will finish the day by watching Blood of Heroes and playing a game of Qwik, since the field is still up.)

The gun mount, tailgun canopy and some rear body work was done using green stuff. When the green stuff cured, I used an Xacto knife to trim off flat pieces of the canopy in order to harden the edges. The framework within the canopy was simply painted on.

It was all pretty easy, especially after having a lot of practice the past year. I can do one of these cars in two sittings, now; I convert it over an hour or two in the first sitting, and paint it in a half hour during the next sitting. This is probably why I have 20 cars too many in my collection; maybe I should start selling some.

In other post-apocalyptic news here, I'm thinking about doing a third Qwik team in 54mm. I liked the idea in my last post of the Circus Acceleratus Vestal Mechanics having their own teams. I'll make the team all-female. Their armor will be free-form just as the other two teams I have, but their colors will be the black and yellow of the Vestal Mechanic's Salvage Squad (who are charged with travelling the Known Wasteland, searching for Infernals to rebuild.)

Though, Steve Barber and I are also working on another samurai sculpt (multipart!) so I may hold off on the third team for now. Maybe by the time I decide to do the third team, I'll have an idea for a fourth team....


  1. aaaaand when do the rules come out for Machinas?

  2. I believe the Machinas Kickstarter is next in line after the ATZ ks is finished. Ed would know better than me.
