Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Qwik team/Brother Pilot taking shape

The female qwik team is starting to take on its look. I always have a general plan, and then I just start adding  a hodge podge of items (until I run out of the green stuff I mixed for the session) of clothing or armor and see what happens. I think they're starting to look more like a unified team, now, though, the final application of colors will be the final unifying theme (leather padding, steel plates and yellow team accents.)

Sculpting of the Brother Pilot is done! And I'm very happy with how he turned out. I couldn't visualize how he would look, even after making some rules/specifications to follow, but I love the result, and it fits perfectly with the background I'm building: A modern look with a touch of tribalism (well, I'm still not sure if I'm going to tattoo this guy or not, but that, coupled with his shirtlessness, would be the tribal bit here.)

Edit: Hmm, not quite done; I need to add a neckerchief.

The pants, bound at the calves, were inspired by images of ancient Germanic warriors, so I think I will keep with that inspiration and do either a striped or checkered pattern on them (maybe checkered to keep with the auto racing setting, though, I'm better at stripes.)

A trick that David Soderquist, of Bronze Age Minatures, taught me for doing straps is to clean out an old toothpaste tube and cut strips from it. In this case, I used an old Neosporin tube. One of these days, I'll be able to sculpt a decent buckle to better accent the straps.


  1. You do such great work off of those Bronze Age dollies.

    Do you know if Bronze Age grants production rights with those dollies or are they intended for personal use only?


    1. I would guess personal use only, but you could email and ask David at Bronze Age.
      He also does sculpting commissions.
