Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Samurai: Monk and Archer

Here are two more figures using the same sculpt as the monk archer I painted a few days ago.
The samurai archer was an easy conversion requiring only a little bit of greenstuff to give him hair and a topknot.

The monk with the naginata took a lot more work. The hands had to be cut away and reattached to hold the naginata, and some greenstuff used to make a new sleeve for the forward arm. (I needed to lengthen the forward arm a touch to aid in getting a good angle with the naginata, and so that it would pass through the drilled holes in each hand much easier.)

The naginata is hammered brass with a guard cut from a cured cylinder of greenstuff.

I make it a routine now, that when I look at any figure, I try to think of a different figure I can convert it into. I think it's a good exercise for anyone trying to spark a little creativity.

Even for the beginner: The conversion idea doesn't have to be something your skills can immediately achieve, just something your mind can conceive.

Don't just think of the new pose, but follow up with ideas on how the conversion could be achieved, what tools would be needed, how a limb could be rotated, what bits would need to be added.

And when your skills are ready, your mind will already be caught up with a brain full of ideas.

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