Friday, November 8, 2013

Camera test/photo notes

I had trouble with my old camera, getting the settings right so that I could take photos with a light background. The subject always turned out way too dark or fuzzy. The other problem I was having with the darker background was that it was playing havoc with the color settings on the new camera, not adequately compensating or over-compensating. It wasn't any better (and was sometimes worse) on the auto setting.

I've had my new camera for a few weeks and forgot to try it out with light backgrounds: It works MUCH better! In fact, I may switch to light/white backgrounds with my photos from now on. All of these photos were done using the auto setting. (So honestly, the camera is doing all the work.) The images are still just a tad dark and fuzzy, but nothing that can't be fixed in Photoshop.
But I love that the colors are all finally balanced and much more true to the actual paint on the figures. I also like the white background because the photos will be easier to cut out in Photoshop if I want to add a backdrop or layer the photos.

I know many folks prefer a light blue background; I may try that later, too, once I get some blue paper. (These photos were taken with simple white paper behind.) I'll also need to work on extending my depth of field and getting sharper edges (I can just set the timer for the latter.)


  1. indeed very nice pictures. what's the camera?

    1. It's a Canon Powershot SX150 IS.
      I picked it up on clearance for about $100.

  2. Beautiful pictures on beautiful figures so good results at last!
    It's always difficult to get correct results for the photos.
    I'm not a specialist and I'm not always satisfied with mine.
    You can try too to change the white balance on your settings, but I've tried and I'm not completely convinced. Maybe, I must try too with different background colours... never used the dark, for example.
    Interesting post !
