Friday, November 1, 2013

Zombicide Survivor: Thaissa

Here's my Thaissa figure. Her dress came out much better than I thought it would. Props to the sculptor who did an excellent job of making it easy to paint. I used a basic red and highlighted with additional mixes of bright orange. If you want to make a shear dress (or lingerie,) I recommend you highlight with increasing amounts of your middle shade of flesh color. It works and it's easy!

The face was a touch small, and she didn't have much of a chin, so I had to accent it a touch with a little more highlight. The nose was almost non-existent (but there was enough of it there to paint- it wasn't a miscast, just a tiny nose.)

One thing I'll be careful of in the future is washing large swaths of color with my brown ink. It muddied up the skin (despite being watered down), and kind of destroyed the delicate look I had achieved. No biggie; I'll probably just repaint the skin since I haven't varnished the figure yet.

All in all, she's a pretty figure (hubba hubba.) I'm really enjoying the work that went into these. I have a lot of respect for the sculptors; they have created such tiny detail, but in a way as to make it paintable. I also applaud Guillotine Games for crediting the sculptors at the end of the rulebook. So, pats on the back to Juan Navarro Perez, Elfried Perochon and Rafal Zelazo.


  1. Just ordered the game for my Bday so looking forward to getting my hands on some of these figures
    Peace James

  2. Very nice painting work ! So sexy ;)

  3. Is it just me, or would she fit into a game of "Clue" rather well? ;)

    1. These would fit all kinds of games.
      They're just a touch thinner (more realistically proportioned) than standard minis, but they stand 32mm to the eyes, and rest on 25mm bases. It also makes it easy to find off-brand minis to use as survivors (or zombies if you think the game needs more) for Zombicide.

    2. I just meant she looks like Miss Scarlet :)
