Monday, December 30, 2013

HS38 Rocket Bike: The red one

Here's the first of my rocket bikes (by Bombshell Miniatures.) They don't sell any rocket bikes in this configuration. But it was simple enough to simply pin the engines up front like this.

The other bikes' colors are good, but this one, I think. has the racing-est colors. The pilot is small (true 28mm), but the details are well-sculpted and easy to paint. It kind of reminded me of painting the Zombicide figures; it doesn't matter how tiny (or large) a figure is. As long as the sculpting is competent, the figure can be easily painted.

I had today (and tomorrow) off from work, and with cold and snow outside, I spent most of the day on-and-off painting rockets and samurai. I might finish another rocket before the night is done. The samurai are mostly done, but I've reached that part where only the skin is left to paint, and that's my least favorite part of painting; I usually do it first, but I was eager to try some new colors on these samurai. All of it will be done, sooner probably than later.


  1. Lovely work.

    I really like the contrast between the rocket and the rider in terms of palettes. :)

  2. "Like". It looks just a shade too orange to be sponsored by Coca-cola.

    1. It's actually a touch darker in person; and yes, I had actually thought about looking for a Coke Cola decal to put on it :)

    2. For total authenticity, you can capture the image and print it on DIY decal paper at the exact size you want. You'd probably end up with a black copy, but I believe that your hand is steady enough to go over it in white.

      (and you could be subversive and change the word from 'coke' to something else).
