Thursday, December 12, 2013

Man's best friend

I was cleaning off the table in preparation for the incoming samurai when I uncovered these puppies. They were easy to do. I just needed to get some reference material to work from.

My zombie dogs will get the same paint treatment as the other zombies. I haven't played with the dogs yet, but I hear they're scary. Still, I think I'll turn it up to 11, and paint a few with the toxic and berserker variations.


  1. I love them all! Wonderful work on their different coats. Best, Dean

  2. I must pick up some puppy's for my games :)
    I am loving all your Zombicide stuff and using most of it as reference for my own
    Peace James

  3. Nice job on these. I just played a few games on Zcide with the Zdogs, yes they are scary fast.

  4. Lovely work! Very nice painting. The column support things are a bit distracting, but that is down to the sculpts presumably, nonetheless the painting is excellent. :)

    1. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the posts, either. I think the heelers could be modified without the posts, but the German shepards and the mastiffs would have a little difficulty staying affixed to the base without the posts.

  5. Lovin' the dogs.

    But learning that there are zombie dogs in the game has just put me off.

  6. Those are lovely painted, congrats!

  7. Wow, these are really well-done. I mean, they're just nice dog figures, all that zombie stuff aside.

  8. These are bloody nice looking Pooch's great job sir!

  9. I didn't expect these dogs to be so popular- thanks for the comments, all!
    Just an extra note: These dogs will match up ok with other 28-30mm figures. If you don't mind those posts, that is.
