Monday, December 9, 2013

Pulp Expedition in sepia

One of my fellow The Miniatures Pagers (Double W) is beginning to put together one of the first subjects that got me interested in doing pulp: The Central Asiatic Expeditions, a series of true adventures through warlord-era China into Mongolia to seek out dinosaur bones, led by Roy Chapman Andrews.

I recommend the book "Dragon Hunter" for anyone interested in checking out the story. Not the most accurate or complete account, it is nonetheless still an enjoyable read.

Anyway, After I had completed my black and white gangsters back in the day, I decided to try out some sepia tone. I wasn't completely happy with them at the time, but looking back, I kinda like'em now. And I have a bunch of unfinished/primed figures in that collection waiting for some sepia paint. Now if I could only remember the paint recipe!

As you can see by looking at the Crossley trucks, the collection actually started out in full color. This was one of my original paint-stripping jobs (and I think the first time I discovered Simple Green as a good paint stripper.) The collection is almost all Copplestone (of course!) with one or two Foundry and Artizan Designs figures. A couple favorites of mine are the rocketmen with scratch-built rocket packs (made from plasticard, roman shields and a chainsaw engine with the blade cut away.

This isn't my entire sepia expedition- I have a few soldiers, more Crossleys (by Models of Yesteryear,) a couple tents and lots of baggage (as all expeditions should have.) If I get them painted all up, I'll post them, of course.