Sunday, February 2, 2014

Empire Hero

I grabbed a random figure out of the old Warhammer pile (don't worry, it's not a pile, just a bunch of dusty primed figures on the shelf.) This figure is a Warhammer Empire hero by Citadel. This is one of the original figures I bought when I first started painting in 1990-ish. Long live lead!


  1. I tend to enjoy the older figures because they don't have skulls, numerous bandages, straps, belt buckles, pouches and other bits. Clothing, weapon, and personality.

    1. Yes; whilst the 'modern' warhammer iconography gives them all a very strong identity, it is all skulls, skulls, skulls. And then some more skulls topped off with a few skulls for good measure. It is nice to remember that once upon a time, GW figures were sculpted by people without a deflensed cranial fetish.

      btw, Evil Cartoonist, did you see the news about the big melt-down ?

    2. Meltdown? About the new GW magazine? Or other?
      I love a good meltdown :)

    3. Newest GW rumor is that they are melting all remaining metal figures... although I think they still had metal for sale in the online store, so it might not be true. (and proves GW daft if it is)

    4. Wow! That would be about the dumbest idea. If they're going all plastic, they might as well sell off all the remaining metal minis instead of melting them down (unless someone gave them a good offer on raw metal.)

  2. Always loved this sculpt and you have done it justice. He's historical enough he leads one of my Italian Wars units.

  3. Nice work on this figure, which predates my own entry into Warhammer. He would pair nicely with some sort of baddie riding on a mount, his gaze and fist work nicely with a taller enemy.
