Sunday, March 16, 2014

Zed or Alive

My friends the Rust Devils have began their Kickstarter campaign for a zombie skirmish game (using the lovely Savage Worlds Showdown rules.) So head over and check out their Zed or Alive Kickstarter!

And how do I know the Rust Devils? They took my Mutie Beauty concept and made it awesome.

This is the one I built. Watch the video to see the one the Rust Devils built:


  1. Unusual and very nice, love the writing...

  2. Very nicely done that hood artwork is excellent. It seems to be the month of Post Apocalyptic themed kickstarters with the one you mentioned above the Bio Syndrome one for rulebooks. At The minute i'm backing the Across the Dead Earth one set 30 years after the apocalypse in the UK with some really cool themed gangs.

  3. Top notch, you might be interested in this site:
