Monday, January 4, 2016

Mice and Mystics: Captain Vurst

There was a question in an earlier comment asking if I had posted my Captain Vurst conversion before (from Mice and Mystics.) I wasn't sure if I had or not, so here he is again -- or not :)

The cape, manica (sleeve armor), and eye patch were made from green stuff. I forget where the pistol came from (just out of my bits box.)

Now, begins the torment of whether to purchase a second box of Tail Feathers; ALL of my Mice and Mystics and Tail Feathers figures are now painted. I'm hoping Plaidhat Games decides to release extra sets of minis again.

I would love to get a second set of ground units from Tail Feathers. The vermin rats would work great as elite rats for M&M, and there are rules now where you can introduce Oakguard figures as allies in the M&M scenarios. I could easily just raid my TF collection for said figures, but I'd like to get a set exclusively for my M&M box -- that, and I want to paint some more of these mice!

Edit: Come to think of it, I don't think I posted my ground units from Tail Feathers, either! So here they are (and that stick there -- if you don't own the game -- is a range finder. To end of the wrapping is short range; to the end of the stick is long range. This game is amazing on theme):


  1. Very characterful miniatures and well painted. Well done!

  2. Where does one find these rules for utilizing the oakgaurd in Mice and Mystics?

  3. Where does one find these rules for utilizing the oakgaurd in Mice and Mystics?

    1. They are found, i think, in the Tail Feathers chapter: Portents of Importance.
      The short of it is that you can replace one hero with three Oakguard. The physical copy I got (from ordering direct through Plaid Hat) even had an initiative card for them.
