Saturday, December 18, 2010

HO HO HOoo it's been a long time since I've posted: The Big Guy

It's been a while since I've posted- been hangin' out with a couple of ladies; that, and work gets busy this time a year I even get to work Christmas Day.

But I found this fella and his lady friend hiding in my lead mountain, so I dug them out, touched up the priming and painted them up in a night.This is XMAS2 Father Christmas and his lovely Assistant from Copplestone Castings Collections range. I bought them on a whim to beef up a small order I made once, so I felt like I was getting a little better deal on shipping.

It's a great little set that's easy and fast to paint up. You can go easy and just do some blocks of color like I did, but there's also large enough spaces on the figures to try some more advanced ideas such as embroidery on the cloth, or peppermint stripes on the assistant's leggings, for example.

I still have to finish the bases. I haven't mastered snow bases yet. The once I tried, some color from the base (blue I think) bled into the snow (I think it was from Woodland Scenics). So I think I'm gonna try some simple painted modeling paste this time around. Screw the powders.

For once, I took note of the colors I used and wrote them below for reference. You'll notice for some of the colors I only used two shades, combining them for all three or four painted layers. This was not a method or technique choice. I was just lazy; I didn't want to open another jar of paint if I could just mix two shades for multiple colors. That, and I cut my jar-opening finger last night, so it was a little painful opening Foundry paint jars.

I'm not sure how long it will be until my next post. I WILL finish my paranormal investigators. i am still totally into that project. I also have almost finished Joe's Rat King (also from Copplestone Casting's Collection range.) One lady friend will be visiting Sunday; together, we're going to learn how to paint using egg tempera (apparently one of the most durable paint mediums- I wonder if it would work or minis?). After that, she will be away for the holidays, so perhaps I can get some painting done then. Anyway, here are the colors for you.

RED (from base to highlight)
Scarlett 38A
Bright Red 15A
Reaper Pro Paint Dragon Red
Foundry Orange 3B (just a TINY highlight of this)

Foundry Forest Green 26A
Increasing amounts of Foundry Yellow 2B

Foundry Drab 12C
Increasing amounts of Foundry Base Sand 10C

Foundry British Grey 75C
Increasing amounts of Foundry Arctic Grey 33B

Straight 3-layer process of Foundry Arctic Greys.


  1. Hard to be the big guy when you have a nice assistant ! Great looking stuff ...

  2. Looking good - but we all know Father Christmas's assistants always wear fish-nets!


  3. True, Tony, but some painters of assistants just don't have the patience :)
