Monday, December 20, 2010

A peek into Carmen's mind

Outside of painting miniatures, my professional life is as a copy editor and political cartoonist for a small paper in Iowa (The Ames Tribune.) To help keep my mind "loose," I like to draw a lot of silly drawings, stuff that makes absolutely no sense but is still fun to draw. Anyway, there's no real point to all this- I just wanted to share a few silly sketches I've done the past few days (instead of painting minis).

Monkey cavalry

From a  joke someone told e a few years ago

A doodle done during a lonely lunch

I titled this one, "The Death of Senor Happy."


  1. Those monkeys riding giant babies are awesome.

  2. Monkey riding babies and quoting shakespeare... It's either genius, insanity or a mix of the two!

  3. I think we just got a peek inside a very curious mind ;-)
