Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chronoscope martial arts master

Here's a quickie I did up in about an hour: Reaper Chronoscope No. 50190, Chan Li, martial arts master. Ge was pretty easy to paint up, and if you're looking for something to practice painting skin, I'd recommend this figure; the muscles are sculpted with enough relief to give a beginning painter a good guide to paint over, while still rewarding an advanced painter who takes more time and care with his minis.

I put him on one of my planked bases with the intention of adding his to the tramp steamer crew (how else will he get to Han's island?)

I suspect, over the coming weeks, I will be posting a few random pieces. I'm a bit burned out on projects. I think, though, I may be painting a few things here and there to add to existing projects. For example, I have a figure left over from my Street Corner project as well as another figure I can add to my tramp steamer crew. I also have my Frothers Cthulhu figures, though, I'm not sure when I'll get to those. I only purchased them because the were available for a short time, and I know I'd get to them some day.

Until then, I'm trying to get a game of Qwik set up for this weekend! My friends are big Blood Bowl fans, so I think they'll enjoy Qwik.


  1. It'd be interesting to hear how that Qwik game goes, especially how the BB players take to it.

  2. Good looking figure despite the very basic colour scheme - and the white socks really stand out because of this. And a reminder for myself that I should really try that base/shadows/highlights thing more, rather than trying to be quick about it, and then spending inordinate time in patching the overuse of washes...

    Do you have a static setup for photographing the single figures? I really like the background on those.

  3. Thanks for the compliments, all.

    And, Squeeck, scroll down to the bottom of this post for a few notes about my photo setup: http://carmensminiaturepainting.blogspot.com/2011/03/street-corner-mechanic-and-florist.html

  4. Thanks, that was pretty informative, and pretty much what I expected. I guess I'll just have to try and experiment more with the 'new' camera.
