Friday, February 10, 2012

Old School Adventurers (true 25mm) finished!

Here are the four adventurers who will partake in my 1st edition game in a few weeks. The wizard at the left will be a stand-in for a monk since my friend (whose figures these were) had no suitable figure, otherwise. The wizard(monk), as I've been informed by followers, is an old Grenadier sculpt. the other three figures (Cleric, Paladin and halfling) are all sculpted by Ral Partha for TSR.

The Grenadier figure was rough. It didn't have a lot of well-sculpted detail, especially the hand in front holding a pouch- I'm not sure if it was miscast or accidentally filed away- but it only has two fingers. I had to make up as much as I could; we'll just say something bit the rest of his fingers off.
The Ral Partha figures were also a bit difficult to paint, but only because they're smaller than I'm used to. They have some well-sculpted detail for sure, and they were definitely a joy to paint. To give you a reference point of size: The bases are the smaller 20mm slottabases (not the regular 25mm size.)


  1. Very nice! I have a load of pre slotta citadel castings I hope to paint up one day

  2. I always loved the Ral Partha figures back in the day. Always very crisp detail.

    The Grenadier figures were better from the standpoint of subject and pose, I thought; always had backpacks and torches and such, so they looked much more like what "real" dungeon explorers would look like.

    And the less said about the Heritage figures, the better. :-)

  3. Defaming Dungeon Dwellers!

    Your future is marked, Mr. Bloch...

    The Brotherhood of Heritage is watching you...

  4. Suberb figures and well painted!

  5. hey, the two in the center were my first D&D figures ever! Where did you find them?

  6. Braxen, a friend of mine gave me his box set of figures (by Ral Partha):

    The box set is called "The New Dungeon." I'm sure the figures are available separately as well.

  7. Braxen, a friend of mine gave me his box set of figures (by Ral Partha):

    The box set is called "The New Dungeon." I'm sure the figures are available separately as well.

  8. Got to love old skool models with a stunning paintjob!!

  9. it's crazy how old school D&D is still coming back, quite a number of my friends are actually purchasing old miniatures. These figures must be at least 25 years old!

    thanks for the link
