Monday, February 13, 2012

Old school D&D goblins

And here are the finished goblins to go up against my the adventurers. Just five goblins? Well, the adventurers are only first level, and there are no such things as healing surges, and I DO have a cyclops yet to paint.

The primitive sculpting was difficult and sometimes frustrating to paint (but I do enjoy their character). It also probably didn't help that I was trying to speedpaint these a bit, too. (I have my busy week at the office this week, so I'm trying to get some painting finished before.)

I like that D&D goblins aren't cliche green, but rather described as having skin color ranging from red to orange to yellow. So I chose yellow for this crew. For a base color, I used Foundry Dusky Flesh; I wanted the base to be more of a "living" color to help make the yellow (Foundry yellow ochre) appear more natural. I'm pleased with the result. I have my Reaper goblins to paint up in the near future, but I think I will go more orange with them (much like my goblin pirate painted earlier this month.)


  1. Really nice. Did you say where these came from or did I miss it?

  2. Hello there! Been following your blog for awhile - love your work. These goblins are particularly cool.

    I looked for an email address or way of getting a hold of you and couldn't find one so here ya go! I used to work at Wizards of the Coast and I have a TON of metal minis that I'm just not going to use. I just don't have the time.

    If you'd like to see some pictures or want a list of what I have, let me know and we can do some hagglin'. Reply here or I can give you my email addy.


  3. I appreciate the offer, Joshua, though, I have plenty of minis already (even my Reaper order just arrived today)... But I AM curious (I won't say "no" just yet) - what do you have, in general?

    Go ahead and reply with a comment (and an email address); I moderate my blog, so your comment will go direct to my email.

  4. Oh- I guess I didn't say what manufacture these were: I think the first three are Grenadier. I have no clue what the others are, but I'm sure other readers would know.

    Anyone know the makes of these little dudes?

    These figures came in a small lead pile with a few others in a small box. Many have the manufacturers stamped on the bottom of the bases; I just plum forgot to look before basing these guys.

  5. Oh- I guess I didn't say what manufacture these were: I think the first three are Grenadier. I have no clue what the others are, but I'm sure other readers would know.

    Anyone know the makes of these little dudes?

    These figures came in a small lead pile with a few others in a small box. Many have the manufacturers stamped on the bottom of the bases; I just plum forgot to look before basing these guys.

  6. - I have a lot of the older D&D minis, some Diablo minis and I think even some Star Wars minis. I'd have to go through the box again for more specifics.
