Thursday, October 17, 2013

Zombicide: Some more colorful characters

This completes all the base survivor figures for Zombicide Prison Outbreak and Toxic City Mall. The bonus Kickstarter survivors are in the mail.

My favorite figure, now, of the entire group is the tropical shirt-wearing shotgunner. Painting that shirt was actually kind of easy. I started by doing the shirt dark blue, mixing in highlights as I went further toward the top of the shirt. Then I used dark green to paint in some random leaves. Dark orange for some lily petals, followed by light green highlights to the leaves and light orange highlights to the lily petals. Finally, I added random white flower bud patterns in the spaces between the flowers, and to the flowers themselves.

Last thing I need to do is add some varnish to prevent chipping. I think I'll forego the gloss varnish which might make the finish a bit brittle, and just do a couple thin coats of Testors dull coat.


  1. That Hawaiian shirt is great. I'm also drawn to the lady in the jumpsuit with the two enormous...revolvers.

  2. Yes those... revolvers are ridiculously oversized. The Hawaiian shirt guy is definitely my favorite too: it's extremely well-done. But all of these have character, they should be fun to play with :)

    (I should assemble a similar set for my "Zombies!!!" board game some day)

  3. Brilliant and the Hawaiian shirt guy is by the far the most awesome paintjob and pose

    1. Oh yes- he's my favorite as well. And it was a spontaneous decision. I was just going to paint the shirt blue, but I had 20 extra minutes to kill before going to work. Burn Notice was on TV, and Sam Ax was wearing a tropical shirt, and my decision was made right then.

      So that figure could also be a tiny tribute to Bruce Campbell.

  4. all look fantastic but as most I love the Hawaiian shirt, top job
    Peace James
